The status “resident of “Bremino-Orsha” Special economic zone” could be received by a legal entity which is registered in the Republic of Belarus within “Bremino-Orsha” Special economic zone territory and which concluded a contract on business activity and investments.

The decision on registration as a resident of “Bremino-Orsha” Special economic zone shall be made by Bremino Group managing company.

Requirements for residence

1) The legal entity should be registered and located on the territory of “Bremino-Orsha” Special economic zone

2) The activities of a resident should correspond to business activities allowed to carry out in the “Bremino-Orsha” Special economic zone:

- Manufacturing industry
- Wholesale trade including trade of spare parts, components and accessories for motorcycles and automobiles
- E-commerce
- Providing of logistics services including warehousing and transport support activity
- Providing of postage services
- Information support
- Implementation of research and development
- Office administrative service focused on support of the commercial activity
- Services providing and works performing on the following business activities: “Activity of freight rail transport”, “Activity of freight automobile transport”, “Other supporting activity in transportation field”; 

3) Investment requirements*:
- from 500 thousand dollars to 5 million dollars - implementation period is 3 years 
- from 500 thousand dollars when implementing research and development (R&D)
- no less than 5 million dollars 

*If needed Bremino Group LLC. managing company can assist in receiving of credit financing for investment projects in banks of the Republic of Belarus
(basic terms, subject to change, not obligations of Bremino Group LLC)
- Credit period -- 7-10 years; 
- Aannual credit rate -- 5,5-6,5%;
- Credit currency -- EUR;
- Maximum credit amount -- 20 million euro. 

Steps to become a resident

1) Filling in a resident resume;
2) Agreement on rate and conditions of a residence;
3) Submission of an resident application;

The list of required documents:
Сompleted application;
- Business plan;
- Сopy of the certificate of state registration in the Republic of Belarus.

4) Signing of a contract on business activity in “Bremino-Orsha” Special economic zone;
5) Concluding of a land sublease contract on the territory of “Bremino-Orsha” Special economic zone.